2021 Tarot Readings, Royal Tarot Reading

Why Meghan Markle abused her staff?


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3 thoughts on “Why Meghan Markle abused her staff?”

  1. Would love someone in the know to come forward and verify affair of William was Meghan’s game.

  2. She did not like being told that she was not allowed to wear freebie clothes at all and so Charles increased her allowance significantly but she took the clothes and allegedly fattened her mother’s bank account with that allowance. She would not have wanted them to tell Charles if anyone else about this, she would not have liked being watched closely and corrected by staff. I worked for a miserable woman who made me and my entire team miserable with her nastiness, there was nothing anyone could do and we all left, it’s hard to stand up to someone if the organisation is not listening or supportive

  3. I could see her hate & jealousy towards woman from the start…I could never understand why she advocated ‘feminism’ called herself a feminist & a humanitarian when shes exactly the opposite

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