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Weekly Astrology Forecast Dec 16 – 22 2019

Photo by Steve Johnson on


Dec 19 2019    Mars    Sxt    Saturn
   19°Sc56′ D    19°Cp56′ D    Tr-Tr
Harnessed or controlled power. Easy control or suppression of anger or hostility. Discipline. Patience. Endurance. Resistance. Getting things done. Accomplishment. Progress in business and practical matters. Fortunate delays.

Excellent day to initiate or work on an endeavor.  At this time people will have just the right combination of energy and patience to get done what needs to be accomplished.  Work may go more smoothly and may lead to success.  Training for any physical activities will go well today too.  Also this is a good time for working with machinery or doing any work that may entail some risk.  Mars and Saturn get the job done,efficiently and with an expertise and determination that can be most powerful and produce impressive results.

Dec 19 2019    Mercury    Sqr    Neptune
   16°Sg04′ D    16°Pi04′ D    Tr-Tr
Mercury is applying to square Neptune this week may cause more daydreaming, creative writing, art, music, spirituality, psychic or mediumistic experiences and it is an excellent time for spiritual endeavors.

Neptune gives insight and Mercury understanding, so combined they lift the veil to the other side and allow communication across different dimensions. Borders dissolve under this aspect.

This is not the time for dealing with facts, figures, or detailed work as Neptune confuses things on the material plane. This combination can cause mishaps and misunderstandings when dealing with everyday communications, interactions or financial matters. Missed calls and misplaced messages are common so try to give others the benefit of the doubt in these matters.

If you hear any incredible news or gossip it is best to wait and see if it’s really true before acting upon it. Beware of scandals, lies, deceptions and scam artists as they will be very active this week.

How strongly this will affect you on a personal level depends upon how this square interacts with your natal chart. Mercury square Neptune can give wonderful abilities in music, art, psychology, and mysticism. It also allows a person to use these talents in constructive ways as squares can be very productive (or destructive if you are unaware of it’s influence.)

Emotions flow more readily and feelings can be easily hurt. You may send or receive and email or text and take it the wrong way. It is important to be very clear in all communications, perhaps making a direct phone call instead and double-checking any work emails to avoid getting into trouble.

You may find your most productive work will be done in solitude (as Neptune is associated with the 12th house of isolation). Be aware of any *signs* or unusual events that may be the result of influences from the other side.

Neptune rules the ocean, water and the feet. Water wears down and dissolves matter. This aspect can result in a loss of some kind. Neptune teaches us not to become attached to samsara or material world that we live in. Buddhism teaches us that this world is just an illusion after all. What we think of as solid and permanent, really isn’t.

Neptune also rules viruses, drugs and alcohol. Being careful with any prescriptions and avoiding intoxicants is important now.

Sacrifice is also a Neptune keyword, so volunteer work and helping the less fortunate will also benefit you in a difficult Neptune transit.

While Neptune can cause drug addiction, the positive side of Neptune (spirituality) can help a person overcome these problems.

The Serenity prayer is a perfect example of Mercury and Neptune:

God grant me the Serenity

to accept the things I

cannot change;

Courage to change the

things I can and

Wisdom to know the


Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a

time; Accepting hardship

as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this

sinful world as it is, not

as I would have it;

Trusting that He will make

all things right if I

surrender to His will;

That I may be reasonably

happy in this life, and

supremely happy with Him

forever in the next.


Dec 20 2019    Venus    enters Aquarius
Venus is moving out of the materialistic, governmental sign of Capricorn and entering the impersonal, friendly sign of Aquarius. Now groups and humanitarian endeavors are favored financially and more enjoyable.

Aquarius is a rebellious sign as it is co-ruled by Uranus (traditionally ruled by Saturn) so revolutions, technology, ‘geeky’ organizations will be more influential now and may earn more money.  This is the time to enjoy being with groups and friends as they will lead to personal satisfaction and increased earning capacity.

Romantic liaisons may be more unusual, happen suddenly/unexpectedly and be of a more friendly nature than usual.  This is the classic ‘friend becoming a partner’ type of influence that Venus will have now.  Long distant relationships go well now as well as partnerships which give each other plenty of space. Unusual romantic experiences may occur now as partners may choose to express their love in unusual ways.

Dec 21 2019    Sun    enters Capricorn
It will be back to business in some ways this weekend as the Sun leaves jovial, freedom-loving Sagittarius and enters the Saturn ruled sign of Capricorn.   This is the time of year when people follow their traditions to celebrate the holidays.  It is cold outside and focusing on helping the less fortunate is important.  This is also the end of a tax year when people must organize their business details.
It is also in Capricorn season that we look ahead and make a list of resolutions of what we want to accomplish in the coming year.  It sounds like things are so austere and regimented under Capricorn’s influence. But don’t forget we also get the best gifts!
Achieving Saturn goals is usually fraught with deprivation (dieting), restrictions (not spending but saving money) and other tiresome chores on a daily basis.  People with a strong Saturn influence in their charts will make more difficult plans for themselves and claim greater victories in the end, however, we all have the ability to tap into our Saturn energies when we want and use our willpower to obtain our goals.
What do you want to accomplish this year?
Dec 22 2019    Venus   Sqr    Uranus
   02°Aq48′ D    02°Ta48′ R    Tr-Tr
Intense social excitement. Unusual displays of feeling. Unconventional behavior. Artistic rebellion. Unstable feelings.

This may be a time of some young women protesting or acting in a shocking manner.  Young women may become news stories for something new, unusual or genius.

There may be disruptions or unexpected events in relationships.  People may suddenly break-up without any warning or forethought.  Or partners may show their love in an unconventional  or surprising way.  There may also be some surprises with finances  or from banks.

There may be sudden fluctuations with money or the stock market.  Unusual or taboo relationships or social interactions may occur today.  Surprises with art or in socializing.

Dec 22 2019    Mars    Sxt    Pluto
   22°Sc04′ D    22°Cp04′ D    Tr-Tr
Daring to make radical changes. Having the power to push through reforms and to transform situations. Record efforts are possible; however overdoing things can lead to exhaustion.
This is a perfect day for an activity where people will want to experience intensity!

Mars and Pluto may also motivate some to burn the midnight oil on some work project which may lead to success.  If you find yourself compelled to work on a pet project,   just go with the flow and you may accomplish more at this time than for the rest of the year.

Find healthy outlets for rambunctious animals or children to safely burn off the excess energy that they may have now.  Be aware that any activities or competitions may become more intense and possibly secretive.

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