
Astrology Forecast July 16 – 22 2018


Jul 22 2018 Venus Sxt Jupiter
13°Vi32′ D 13°Sc32′ D

Comfortable social conditions. Generosity and friendliness. Big productions or gatherings. Beautiful appearances. Good-hearted, have a sunny personality, and a strong need for attention. Agenerous nature, but can be arrogant.

This is a wonderful time to socialize and to re-connect with people Any social gatherings should be most enjoyable. There may be a slight tendency to overindulge or overspend now.

This is an excellent time to work on creative projects, enjoying art, music, foreign affairs, and higher education. Financial opportunities may arise. Avoid overindulging or laziness.

Jul 22 2018 Sun enters Leo

Happy birthday to all Leos.

If you are buying a gift for a Leo, make sure it is as fabulous as they are! Leos love to be the center of attention and anything that will entertain them and all of their many friends would be a right start in searching for this generous and noble sun sign’s gift.

Leos also enjoy sharing their vast amounts of love and entertainment. They love a party!

The one thing that you do not want to do is forget their birthday!

ROOAAR!! Do not upset the Lion!

Leos love to be flattered and if you want to influence them to change something – the best way to do it is in a way that makes them feel better. Never try to tell a Leo what to do or push them into something as this fixed sign will not budge an inch.
Some will say that Leos can be difficult in close relationships. Part of the reason is that any planet that comes too close to the Sun becomes combust or weakened dramatically, like Icarus’s wings. Dealing with a Leo one-to-one is not for the faint of heart. Lavishing sincere praise and plenty of tactfulness is necessary to keep the Lion or Lioness tame.

Leos key phrase is “I will” and they are born to rule.
The sun in mundane charts represents the leaders, presidents, royalty, CEO’s, PTA Moms, anyone in a position of authority. This is their time to shine and be appreciated.

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